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Planner Planner Refills, 2025 or 2025 Day Planner Refill

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Our Planner Refill Pages fit most major brands; please call for questions. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. We encourage our customers to shop and compare our pricing, quality and service.


Preference Collection Planner Refills are in stock.

2026 Preference Collection Refills - Wire Bound and Loose Leaf Inserts

Wire bound and Loose Leaf planner refill Inserts for updating your agenda or day planner for the coming New Year. Just click on the size you are looking for and you will see a detailed overview of the inserts available. If you are interested in placing an order, you have the options of INTERNET, PHONE, FAX or E-MAIL (Credit Card Payment only) or you may MAIL your order with a Check or Money Order to the address provided. Please specify the YEAR, where applicable. Our refill planner pages will fit most major calendar brands. Organize your daily schedule at a glance with our easy-to-view monthly and weekly planner formats.

Hours of Operation : 9am to 5pm, Monday thru Friday

2026 Preference Collection Brand Wire Bound / Spiral Monthly/Weekly Planner Refill, 144 pages
Ivory Planner Refill for 2026
4 1/2" x 2 5/8"
Price :
Item : PR-PC-2_PD42WI

Week-at-a-View Format. Other features include 3 Year-at-a-View, 12 Month-at-a-view, 52 Week-at-a-View, PLUS: Advance Planning, Important Dates, Weights & Measures, International Holidays, Weather, Interest Rates, Road and Air Miles, Birthdays/Anniversaries, and more !

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2026 3x5 spiral calendar insert
Wire Bound / Spiral Monthly/Weekly Planner Refills, 128 pages, 2026
White Paper
5" x 3 1/8" Planners - 2026
Price : $12.50
Item : PR-MW35W12

Weekly Format. Other features include 3 Year-at-a-View, 12 Month-at-a-view, 52 Week-at-a-View, PLUS: Advance Planning, Important Dates, Weights & Measures, International Holidays, Weather, Interest Rates, Road and Air Miles, Birthdays/Anniversaries, and more !

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wirebound 2026 weekly calendar insert
Wire Bound / Spiral Monthly/Weekly Diary Refill 2026, 144 pages
White Paper
3 1/4" x 6 1/4"
Price : $8.50
Item : PR-MW36W12

Weekly and Monthly view Formats. One planner, two formats in the same system. Other features include 3 Year-at-a-View, 12 Month-at-a-view, 52 Week-at-a-View, PLUS: Advance Planning, Important Dates, Weights & Measures, International Holidays, Weather, Interest Rates, Road and Air Miles, Birthdays/Anniversaries, and more !

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2026 wirebound Preference Collection 3 x 6 planners
Preference Collection Wire Bound Spiral Monthly/Weekly Planner Refill for 2026
Ivory Paper
3 1/4" x 6 1/4"
Price : $12.50
Item : PR-PC-2-PD61W

Week per View and Monthly Formats. One planner, two formats in the same system. Other features include 3 Year-at-a-View, 12 Month-at-a-view, 52 Week-at-a-View, PLUS: Advance Planning, Important Dates, Weights & Measures, International Holidays, Weather, Interest Rates, Road and Air Miles, Birthdays/Anniversaries, and more !

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ivory wirebound planner 2026 refills
2026 Wire Bound / Spiral Monthly/Weekly Day Planner Refills Preference Collection Brand
Ivory Paper, 144 Pages
8" x 5"
Price : $17.25
Item : PR-PC-2_PD85

Week-at-a-View and Month-at-a-view Formats. One planner, two formats in the same system. Other features include 3 Year-at-a-View, 12 Month-at-a-view, 52 Week-at-a-View, PLUS: Advance Planning, Important Dates, Weights & Measures, International Holidays, Weather, Interest Rates, Road and Air Miles, Birthdays/Anniversaries, and more !

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2026 wirebound weekly monthly planner
Wire Bound / Spiral Monthly/Weekly Planner Refills 2026
White Paper, 144 Pages
8" x 5"
Price : $10.50
Item : PR-MW58W12

Week-at-a-View and Month-at-a-view Formats. One planner, two formats in the same system. Other features include 3 Year-at-a-View, 12 Month-at-a-view, 52 Week-at-a-View, PLUS: Advance Planning, Important Dates, Weights & Measures, International Holidays, Weather, Interest Rates, Road and Air Miles, Birthdays/Anniversaries, and more !

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2026 wirebound calendar refill
2026 Wire Bound / Spiral Monthly Weekly Preference Collection Brand Weekly Diary Planners Refill
Ivory Paper
8 3/4" x 6 3/4"
Price : $21.50
Item : PR-PD86WI

Week-at-a-View and Month-at-a-view Formats. One planner, two formats in the same system. Other features include 3 Year-at-a-View, 12 Month-at-a-view, 52 Week-at-a-View, PLUS: Advance Planning, Important Dates, Weights & Measures, International Holidays, Weather, Interest Rates, Road and Air Miles, Birthdays/Anniversaries, and more !

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2026 Preference Collection Wire Bound Refill 8 1/2 x 11
Preference Collection Brand Letter size - Monthly/Weekly - 2026 Planner Refill
Wire-o binding, spiral bound, 144 pages, Ivory paper
11" x 8 1/2"
Price : $31.45
Item : PR-PC-2-PD18WI

Week-at-a-View and Month-at-a-view Formats. One planner, two formats in the same system. Other features include 3 Year-at-a-View, 12 Month-at-a-view, 52+ Week-at-a-View, PLUS: Advance Planning, Important Dates, Weights & Measures, International Holidays, Weather, Interest Rates, Road and Air Miles, Birthdays/Anniversaries, and more !

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8 1/2 x 11 Weekly Appointment Book Refill 2026
11" x 8 1/2"
Price : $15.95 each
Item no longer available

Features 1 week per 2 page spread, appointment times with 15 minute intervals, 128 bright white pages. View weekly appointments. 52 Weeks, 2026 Calendar Year including holidays and special information pages.

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ivory monthly weekly refill planner with bronze wire binding
2026 Wire Bound / Spiral Monthly Weekly Executive Planner Refill
Ivory Paper
4 1/2" x 2 5/8"
Price : $8.00
Item : PR-AD42W-I

Printed in gray on ivory paper, with bronze wire binding. Features a three-year calendar, month-at-a-view calendars, week-at-a-view planner pages, plus a personal information page, space for addresses, important dates and holidays, and a US time zone map.

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white and ivory wirebound address book refills
Wire Bound/Spiral Tabbed Executive Address Book Refill
White or Ivory Paper
3 1/4" x 6 1/4"
Price : $14.50
Item : PR-AD36W

This item is a substitute for the discontinued Preference refill, AD61 WI. Wirebound construction, with a 13-step Mylar index. Size: 6 1/4" x 3 1/4". Bronze wire binding. Available in white or ivory paper.

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6 Ring / Hole Organizer Refills Monthly/Weekly Calendar Refill, 128 pages
White Paper
2026 - 5" x 3 1/8" Organizer Refill Pages
Price : $11.50
Item : PR-MP35P612

Week-at-a-View Format. Other features include 3 Year-at-a-View, 12 Month-at-a-view, 52 Week-at-a-View, PLUS: Advance Planning, Important Dates, Weights & Measures, International Holidays, Weather, Interest Rates, Road and Air Miles, Birthdays/Anniversaries, and more !

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2026 six hole ivory planner refill
2026 Preference Collection Brand 6 Hole Organizer Refills - Monthly/Weekly Planning Calendar Refills
Ivory Paper
6 3/4" x 3 3/4"
Price : $11.50
Item : PR-PC-2-PD646

Week-at-a-View and Month-at-a-view Format. One planner, two formats in the same system. Each planner includes: Important Dates, International Holidays, Area Codes and Time Zones Map, and Toll-Free Numbers and Web Sites.

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2026 six ring weekly monthly calendar insert refill
6 Hole Organizer Refill -Monthly/Weekly 2026 Planning Calendar Refill
White Paper
6 3/4" x 3 3/4"
Price : $8.50
Item : PR-MP46P612

Week-at-a-View and Month-at-a-view Format. One planner, two formats in the same system. Each planner includes: Important Dates, International Holidays, Area Codes and Time Zones Map, and Toll-Free Numbers and Web Sites.

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2026 - 5 x8 looseleaf planner refill
2026 Preference Collection Organizer Refills, Monthly/Weekly Refill 2015
Ivory Paper, with 3 hole or standard 7 hole spacing/drilling. 144 pages.
5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Price : $15.00
Item : PR-PC-2-PD82

Week-at-a-View and Month-at-a-view Formats. One planner, two formats in the same system. Other features include 3 Year-at-a-View, 12 Month-at-a-view, 52 Week-at-a-View, PLUS: Advance Planning, Important Dates, Weights & Measures, International Holidays, Weather, Interest Rates, Road and Air Miles, Birthdays/Anniversaries, and more !


Item # PR-PC-2-PD82(3)

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Item # PR-PC-2-PD82(7)

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2026 Organizer Refills, Monthly/Weekly Refill
White Paper, 3-hole spacing/ drilling. 144 pages plus 96 pages
5 3/8" x 8 1/2"
Price : $15.50
Item : PR-MWA58P312

Week-at-a-View and Month-at-a-view Formats. One planner, two formats in the same system. Other features include 3 Year-at-a-View, 12 Month-at-a-view, 52 Week-at-a-View, PLUS: Advance Planning, Important Dates, Weights & Measures, International Holidays, Weather, Interest Rates, Road and Air Miles, Birthdays/Anniversaries, and more! Includes 48 sheets (96 pages) of our best-selling supplementals.


Item # PR-MWA58P312(3)

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Three-Hole Calendar Refill Only without 96 page section.

Item : PR-MP58P312
Price : $10.50


Item # PR-MP58P312(3)

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13 Division A-Z Index Tabs - Black Leatherette

Item : PR-MA58P3
Price : $4.00
7 ring planner refill
2026 Organizer Refill Pages, Monthly/Weekly Refill
White Paper, 7 hole spacing/ drilling. 144 pages plus 96 pages
5 3/8" x 8 1/2"
Price : $15.50
Item : PR-MPA58P712

Week-at-a-View and Month-at-a-view Formats. One planner, two formats in the same system. Other features include 3 Year-at-a-View, 12 Month-at-a-view, 52 Week-at-a-View, PLUS: Advance Planning, Important Dates, Weights & Measures, International Holidays, Weather, Interest Rates, Road and Air Miles, Birthdays/Anniversaries, and more! Includes 48 sheets (96 pages) of our best-selling supplementals.

Seven-Hole Calendar Refill Only without 96-page section .

Item : PR-MP58P712
Price : $10.50


Item # PR-MP58P712(7)

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three ring daily organizer refill
3-Hole or 7-Hole Daily Organizer Refills for 2026
3 hole or 7 hole punched/drilled White or ivory paper
5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Price : $27.00
Item : PR-2-DD82

This new item is a replacement for a discontinued Preference calendar. Day-to-a-page format. Special information pages offering: space for personal data, a three-year calendar, important dates, area codes, metric equivalents and two pages for important phone numbers.


Item # PR-2-DD82(3)

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Item # PR-2-DD82(7)

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3 x 6 daily looseleaf planner refill
6 Hole Daily Planner Refills for 2026
6-hole punched/drilled White or ivory paper
6 3/4" x 3 3/4"
Price : $24.50
Item : PR-2-DD646

This new item is a replacement for a discontinued Preference calendar. Day-to-a-page format. Special information pages offering: space for personal data, a three-year calendar, important dates, area codes, metric equivalents and two pages for important phone numbers.

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2026 letter size three hole planner refill
Preference Collection Brand Letter Size 2026 Monthly/Weekly Organizer Refills
3-hole or 7-hole punched, 144 pages, ivory paper
8 1/2" x 11"
Price : $30.50
Item : PR-PC-2-PD183I - 3 Hole or 7 Hole

Week-at-a-View and Month-at-a-view Formats. One planner, two formats in the same system. Other features include 3 Years-at-a-View, 12 Months-at-a-view, 52+ Weeks-at-a-View, PLUS: Advance Planning, Important Dates, Weights & Measures, International Holidays, Weather, Interest Rates, Road and Air Miles, Birthdays/Anniversaries, and more !


Item # PR-PC-2-PD183I(3)

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Item # PR-PC-2-PD183I(7)

Only available by request - Call to place order
Black Leather Organizer Cover
Topgrain Leather Organizer Covers
(Leather cover only; does not include refill)
for 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 Weekly or Daily 3 Hole Inserts
Price : Only $19.95 While Supplies Last
Item : PR 548-6

Black top-grain padded leather cover, with an exterior pocket. Zippered closure. Inside gusseted pocket, an ID window and six credit card or business card pockets. Pen loop. Accommodates 3-hole punched/drilled planner inserts.

Napa Leather Organizer Covers
Please click on images to enlarge
bottle green leather organizer with calendar, address book and writing pad inserts
(Leather cover only; does not include refill)
9 3/4" x 7 1/4" x 2"
Price : Only $40.95 While Supplies Last
Item : PR D-1170-3

for 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 Weekly or Daily 7 Hole Inserts

Rich bottle green genuine leather cover, with leather lining. Two document flaps, ID holder and six card pockets inside front cover. Slot for note pad and another document flap inside back cover. Stitched leather pen loop. Matching zipper closure. Accommodates both ring metals and wirebound planner inserts.

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black leather three ring organizer planner cover with magnetic tab closure
Napa Leather Organizer Covers
black three ring leather planner cover with magnetic tab closure
Please click on images to enlarge
(Leather cover only; does not include refill)
for 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 Weekly or Daily 3 Hole Inserts

9 3/4" x 7 1/4" x 1 3/4" Available in black. Magnetic tab closure, stitched pen loop and leather marker ribbon.

Price : Only $62.49 While Supplies Last
Item : PR 596-3
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coco brown leather six ring organizer cover with magnetic tab closure
Napa Leather Organizer Covers
(Leather cover only; does not include refill)
for 6 3/4 x 3 3/4 Weekly 6 Hole Inserts

7 7/8" x 5 1/4" x 1 1/4"

Available in coco. Magnetic tab closure, stitched pen loop and leather marker ribbon.

Price : Only $64.99 While Supplies Last
Item : PR 597-3
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zippered tan leather six ring organizer
Napa Leather Zippered Organizer Covers
(Leather cover only; does not include refill)
for 6 3/4 x 3 3/4 Weekly 6 Hole Inserts

8" x 5 1/2" x 1 1/2"

Available in British tan. Zippered closure, stitched pen loop and numerous inside pockets.

Price : Only $64.99 While Supplies Last
Item : PR 598-3
OUT OF STOCK - see alternative optionsĀ 
dark green leather organizer cover with zipper
Napa Leather Organizer Covers
zippered green leather organizer cover with calendar inside
Inside View
(Leather cover only; does not include refill)
for 3 1/4" x 6 1/4" Wirebound Calendars
Price : Only $12.95 While Supplies Last
Item : PR D-1171-3

Also Accommodates Ring Inserts 8 1/16" x 5 7/8" x 1"

Rich bottle green genuine leather cover, with leather lining. Two document flaps, ID holder and six card pockets inside front cover. Slot for note pad and another document flap inside back cover. Stitched leather pen loop. Matching zipper closure. Accommodates both ring metals or wirebound planner inserts.

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black vinyl six ring organizer cover with snap closure
Stitched Faux Leather Six-Hole Planner Covers
(Cover only; does not include refill)
Price : Only $16.00
Item : PR D-1108-1

9 1/2" x 7" six-ring organizer cover, made of padded vinyl with edge stitching and a snap closure. Accommodates 8 1/4" x 5 1/2" insert pages. Document flap inside front cover.

OUT OF STOCK - see alternative options
padded and stitched vinyl six ring planner cover
Padded Vinyl Six-Hole Planner Covers
(Cover only; does not include refill)
4" x 6" x 1 1/8" stitched covers with snap closures.
Price : Only $10.00
Item : PR D-1106-1
OUT OF STOCK - see alternative options
six ring padded and stitched vinyl organizer cover with snap tab closure
Stitched Faux Leather Six-Hole Planner Covers
(Cover only; does not include refill)
This 7 1/2" x 5 1/8"

organizer cover is made of padded faux leather, with perimeter stitching and a snap closure. Document flap inside front cover.

Price : Only $12.00
Item : PR D-1107-1
OUT OF STOCK - see alternative options
bottle green leather organizer with calendar, address book and writing pad inserts
Napa Leather Organizer Covers
green leather zippered seven ring organizer
(Leather cover only; does not include refills)
9 3/4" x 7 1/4" x 2"
Price : Only $19.95 While Supplies Last
Item : PR D-1170-3

for 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 Wirebound Inserts

Rich bottle green genuine leather cover, with leather lining. Two document flaps, ID holder and six card pockets inside front cover. Slot for note pad and another document flap inside back cover. Stitched leather pen loop. Matching zipper closure. Accommodates both ring metals and wirebound planner inserts.

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Leather Planner Cover
Leather Pocket Planner Covers
(Cover Only, Does not include refill)
Price : Only $20.95
Item : PR 364-0
for standard 3 1/4 x 6 1/4 Inserts
  • Premium full-grain leather.
  • 6 5/8" x 4 1/8" covers.
  • Three business-card pockets and document pocket inside front cover.
  • Top-loading and side-loading pockets inside back cover.
  • Pen loop (no pen included).
  • Available in Black, British Tan, or Red.
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Leather Desk Calendar Cover
Blue leather desk calendar inside
(Cover Only, Does not include refill)
Price : Only $25.95
Item : PR 333-0
for standard 5 x 8 wire-o refills
  • 8 1/4" x 6" x 1/2" cover
  • Sewn in leather page marker
  • Premium full-grain leather
  • Pen loop (no pen included)
  • Inside pocket for business cards
  • Available in Black, British Tan, Blue (new), or Red (new).
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Bonded Leather Organizer Covers


tan bonded leather cover swatch


coco colored bonded leather cover material


Burgundy bonded leather
(Bonded leather cover only; refills not included)
Price : Only $30.00
Item : PR 1176-3
9 3/4" x 7 5/8"

for 8 3/4" x 6 3/4" Wirebound Inserts

Finely textured bonded leather, inside and out, with a magnetic tab closure. Inside, a sewn pen loop, ID pocket, document flap, two pockets for organizer inserts, and a top-loading slot for a writing pad. Leather page marker. Available in Black, Burgundy, Tan, or Coco.

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